Largo Winch (film)


In Hong Kong, owner and majority shareholder of the W Group, Nerio Winch, is awoken up by a phone call on his yacht, Neretva. After he picks up, an unknown man warns Nerio that he found some else to have business with, and Nerio abruptly ends the call. Nerio gets up from his bed and goes to the lower deck, eating an apple. After he throws it into the water, he hears a weird sound from the water. Lowering down to see the source, a diver snatches him and pulls him down and suffocates him. The next day, the W Group board of directors meets up, with Ann Ferguson, Nerios righthand man, meets up to discuss the situation. They recently found out that Nerio had a secret son, named Largo, who was adopted from a Yugoslavian orphanage in 1980, overyears ago, and was kept as a secret from everyone, and he was raised by Josip and Hannah, a FrenchCroatian family to whom Nerio was close, along with Josip and Hannahs own son, Goran, until Nerio picked him up and raised him to take over his company one day. Other members are skeptical of Largos existence, but they want to bring him in to see if he truly is his heir.Meanwhile, Largo Winch is in Brazil, where he rescues a young woman named La, who works for a nongovernmental organization and was harassed by local militia. After they escape, they make love. However, while Largo is asleep, La injects him with a sedative and walks away, and Largo, while sedated, is captured by the militia and sent to prison. However, he is rescued by Freddy, Nerios former bodyguard, one of the few who knew of his existence, and they depart to Hong Kong for Nerios funeral. Largo gets drunk because of Nerios funeral getting secret or revealed to the public, and wakes up the next day on a yacht with Nerios former butler telling him Freddy dropped him off and get dressed soon. Largo then arrives to the W Groups headquarters, where he presents himself to the board of directors and correctly states facts about each of them, proving that he is really Nerio

Source: Wikipedia